Xlseafood Grade Premium Argentina Dry Shrimps
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- Wild sea of Argentina red shrimp steamed and then dried.
- The product is a shrimp meat product with the head and tail removed, the intestines removed, and the tail left.
- The salt input in the air-drying process is 5%, and the dryness is 85%
- Shrimp meat is complete, full of meat quality, full of umami, is full of umami nutritious food.
7-8 pounds of fresh shrimp to make 1 pound of dried shrimp.
Argentine red shrimp have thin shells and large flesh, delicious and nutritious. Shrimp has high therapeutic value and can enhance the body's immunity. It has a natural pink shrimp shell, which better retains the original umami taste of sea shrimp, is rich in protein and a variety of nutrients, the meat is tender and soft, fresh and delicious, and it has a freshness unmatched by other similar products frozen at sea.
身为厨房小白比较少注意海鲜专卖的品牌 但旭龙行看起来确实是老牌的海鲜干货专卖店 太多姐妹的晒货让人非常心动 Amazon与淘宝都能找到的金牌商家可以说是相当靠谱了🏅
産品包装: 第一次网购海鲜干货还是比较担心的 好在送货的速度快 包装也相当严实 有弥封完整 让人很安心 也有特地提醒客户收到要赶紧冰冷藏 里面还贴心的附上一张産品介绍及烹饪教程 对我们这种无从下手的人十分友
使用感受: 这次收到的旭龙行阿根廷红虾干一包有0.5磅
大约能有30只虾子左右 比我想的多多了 一包可以吃到猴年马月了 非常的有诚意啊!超级开心能有机会体验 以前烹饪都是买虾米 这次能吃到肥美又新鲜又大条的虾仁 真的很感人 食物搭配程度: 收到当天马上自己试了两道小白料理尝尝味道 第一道是白萝卜虾干汤- 先把白萝卜切成丝 虾干腌一点料酒备用 也可以再煎颗荷包蛋 热锅冷油把萝卜跟虾干炒香后 加入滚的热开水和荷包蛋 汤就会是奶白色的 大约煮个15分钟 加入点调味料 我加了柴鱼粉盐白胡椒葱花 鲜到掉眉毛耶 海鲜清汤的味道真的很赞很暖胃 虾干熬煮后也变软嫩嫩的 比鲜虾更有风味了呢 第二道用虾干炒了高丽菜 应该也可以试试拿来炒豆皮白菜也会很香 高丽菜会有虾干的味道很不错 但没泡过的虾干有点硬 可能炒菜前要先泡过比较好